Wednesday, October 23, 2013

push through it

Today's 5k training called for a tempo run, which was supposed to be 35 minutes total: 10 mile easy warmup, 15 minutes hard at 10k pace, and then 10 minute cool down. At first glance, it doesn't look so bad.

Until I started running. And then ish got really difficult. My leg muscles were feeling some serious pain through those 15 hard minutes, and so many times I wanted to quit. I'm not too sure why this was - I ran 6 miles yesterday, like I have so many times before. And I can reassure you there has been no super intense strength training. I guess it was one of those days that my body just wasn't in it.

So I ran to Starbucks and got myself an iced chocolate chai. It was so good, and the price was tasty too - $1 holla, courtesy of being a Safeway Club Card holder. So prestigious, I know.

So that's what I got for today! Sorry for the snoozefest - maybe tomorrow I'll share an amazing squash pasta sauce recipe with you that I made for dinner. Squash sauce. What a treat. ;)

What is your ideal dinner?

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