Today's 5k training called for a tempo run, which was supposed to be 35 minutes total: 10 mile easy warmup, 15 minutes hard at 10k pace, and then 10 minute cool down. At first glance, it doesn't look so bad.
Until I started running. And then ish got really difficult. My leg muscles were feeling some serious pain through those 15 hard minutes, and so many times I wanted to quit. I'm not too sure why this was - I ran 6 miles yesterday, like I have so many times before. And I can reassure you there has been no super intense strength training. I guess it was one of those days that my body just wasn't in it.
So I ran to Starbucks and got myself an iced chocolate chai. It was so good, and the price was tasty too - $1 holla, courtesy of being a Safeway Club Card holder. So prestigious, I know.
So that's what I got for today! Sorry for the snoozefest - maybe tomorrow I'll share an amazing squash pasta sauce recipe with you that I made for dinner. Squash sauce. What a treat. ;)
What is your ideal dinner?
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Saturday, October 19, 2013
5k = one week away
I have to say, training for a 5k is quite different than training for a half or full marathon. No 20 miler? No constant exhaustion? No unsocial life? It's really a pretty sweet deal.
Since I signed up for the race a mere four weeks prior to the race, I wanted to follow the first half Hal Higdon's plan, which has worked out pretty perfectly. I'm feeling like I'm getting some good work in with the weekly speed work, and am glad to finally not be running the risk of over-training. You know, because this leads to injuries, and generally just sucks.
I love how manageable the little 3-mile weekday runs are. I try to fit them in whenever I have to run errands or go somewhere and can get a ride back, which means I get a run and save on gas. Winning!
As I mentioned above, I have a serious problem with running by the seat of my pants (I don't really know if that metaphor fits but it's Saturday and this is how my brain rolls) and by how my body feels. This has led to many injuries and over-extension problems in the past, so I feel like following a training plan is just the right mechanism I need to reign myself in. I've also continued my physical therapy moves that significantly reduce any knee or hip pain I feel. It's pretty amazing how connected and in-tune different body parts are. Like who knew that weak glutes can lead to knee pain? Oh, you did? Well cool, teach me something else... ;)
One things you don't need to educate me on is how to do brunch. I got it figured out.
What's your favorite brunch item? Oh oh, and what is your favorite racing distance?
Since I signed up for the race a mere four weeks prior to the race, I wanted to follow the first half Hal Higdon's plan, which has worked out pretty perfectly. I'm feeling like I'm getting some good work in with the weekly speed work, and am glad to finally not be running the risk of over-training. You know, because this leads to injuries, and generally just sucks.
Instagram: mrsbwebbruns |
I love how manageable the little 3-mile weekday runs are. I try to fit them in whenever I have to run errands or go somewhere and can get a ride back, which means I get a run and save on gas. Winning!
As I mentioned above, I have a serious problem with running by the seat of my pants (I don't really know if that metaphor fits but it's Saturday and this is how my brain rolls) and by how my body feels. This has led to many injuries and over-extension problems in the past, so I feel like following a training plan is just the right mechanism I need to reign myself in. I've also continued my physical therapy moves that significantly reduce any knee or hip pain I feel. It's pretty amazing how connected and in-tune different body parts are. Like who knew that weak glutes can lead to knee pain? Oh, you did? Well cool, teach me something else... ;)
One things you don't need to educate me on is how to do brunch. I got it figured out.
What's your favorite brunch item? Oh oh, and what is your favorite racing distance?
Thursday, October 17, 2013
5 things to get you motivated to run
We all have our days. You know the kind of day I'm talking about - your brain is nice and foggy, there doesn't seem to be enough caffeine in the world, and the couch and Netflix marriage is the best relationship you've ever been involved in. It's these days that running is not my first priority - maybe not even my fourth.
Thanks to the Pacific Northwest beautiful Fall weather we've been having lately, I haven't had one of these sorts of days in quite awhile. But, I am prepared for when the un-motivation strikes with this little bag of tricks, which is essentially me yelling motivating things at myself - you can come up with your own script to target your own weaknesses:
1. Imagine how good you'll feel when the run is over.
No, really imagine. You're covered in sweat and salt, your heart is racing, your legs need to be intensely stretched. Remember what a freaking fantastic feeling that is? Go make it happen. The couch and "Orange is the New Black" will be there for you upon your return. When was the last time you regretted working out? Yeah, that's what I thought.
2. Who cares about the weather?
Sorry to break it to you, but the weather is always going to be around. And whether (confusing) or like it or not, pouring rain (all the time), scalding hot summers, and face-numbing winters aren't going anywhere. If you can't beat it, join it. Do what it is in your power to face the outdoors - put on a hat, load up the sunscreen, start your run at a different time, or wear 3 layers of fleece that are easy to take off as you sweat them off. Think about Scott Jurek ran for days across the desert with the Tarahumara. If he can do that, you can run around town in a little rainfall. When was the last time you regretted working out? Yeah, that's what I thought.
3. Load up your iPod with new music.
Specifically, tunes with some dope beats. There's nothing like running and listening to your favorite song at the same time, again and again. There have been so many runs when all I listen to is one song on repeat, because that is my magic motivation for that run. That's partially how I got into running in the first place - I wanted to listen to my music, but was sick and tired of sitting around doing so while rocking in a rocking chair (true story-I'm a rocker). If you need some suggestions, you're welcome.
4. Remember why you're running.
That PR won't get any more realistic if you continue warming the computer chair. Reaching your goals isn't always easy, but if you put in the work and continue to jump barriers amazing things will happen. Like a PR. When was the last time you regretted working out? Yeah, that's what I thought.
5. Wear your favorite running clothes.
When I'm running in my favorite yellow sweatshirt, I feel pretty invincable. It's the equivalent of when I take a little extra time to dress up for work in the morning, and maybe even put on some blush. There's automatically this trigger that boosts my confidence level and makes me want to strut everywhere, until I'm brought back to reality after falling on my ass or spilling food on myself. Do whatever it takes to make yourself feel good, and it will make the run that much easier to start.
6. Think about your post-run meal.
Food is powerful, and makes me do crazy things like run 6 miles in the rain when I'm really not feeling it. Oooh, fajitas are in sight? Who cares, it's just Azteca (wait for it)....ok, just 6 miles. Or maybe you just bought some new protein powder that you want to try out. Or maybe there's a sweet bowl of Halloween candy that the neighborhood kids surely don't need that bad...
And after all that, if you still don't want to run or don't feel up to it...then don't. Succomb to the couch's sweet embrace and treat yo'self. It will make you even more motivated to get back out there tomorrow.
What suggestions do you have?
Thanks to the Pacific Northwest beautiful Fall weather we've been having lately, I haven't had one of these sorts of days in quite awhile. But, I am prepared for when the un-motivation strikes with this little bag of tricks, which is essentially me yelling motivating things at myself - you can come up with your own script to target your own weaknesses:
1. Imagine how good you'll feel when the run is over.
No, really imagine. You're covered in sweat and salt, your heart is racing, your legs need to be intensely stretched. Remember what a freaking fantastic feeling that is? Go make it happen. The couch and "Orange is the New Black" will be there for you upon your return. When was the last time you regretted working out? Yeah, that's what I thought.
2. Who cares about the weather?
Sorry to break it to you, but the weather is always going to be around. And whether (confusing) or like it or not, pouring rain (all the time), scalding hot summers, and face-numbing winters aren't going anywhere. If you can't beat it, join it. Do what it is in your power to face the outdoors - put on a hat, load up the sunscreen, start your run at a different time, or wear 3 layers of fleece that are easy to take off as you sweat them off. Think about Scott Jurek ran for days across the desert with the Tarahumara. If he can do that, you can run around town in a little rainfall. When was the last time you regretted working out? Yeah, that's what I thought.
3. Load up your iPod with new music.
Specifically, tunes with some dope beats. There's nothing like running and listening to your favorite song at the same time, again and again. There have been so many runs when all I listen to is one song on repeat, because that is my magic motivation for that run. That's partially how I got into running in the first place - I wanted to listen to my music, but was sick and tired of sitting around doing so while rocking in a rocking chair (true story-I'm a rocker). If you need some suggestions, you're welcome.
4. Remember why you're running.
That PR won't get any more realistic if you continue warming the computer chair. Reaching your goals isn't always easy, but if you put in the work and continue to jump barriers amazing things will happen. Like a PR. When was the last time you regretted working out? Yeah, that's what I thought.
5. Wear your favorite running clothes.
When I'm running in my favorite yellow sweatshirt, I feel pretty invincable. It's the equivalent of when I take a little extra time to dress up for work in the morning, and maybe even put on some blush. There's automatically this trigger that boosts my confidence level and makes me want to strut everywhere, until I'm brought back to reality after falling on my ass or spilling food on myself. Do whatever it takes to make yourself feel good, and it will make the run that much easier to start.
6. Think about your post-run meal.
Food is powerful, and makes me do crazy things like run 6 miles in the rain when I'm really not feeling it. Oooh, fajitas are in sight? Who cares, it's just Azteca (wait for it)....ok, just 6 miles. Or maybe you just bought some new protein powder that you want to try out. Or maybe there's a sweet bowl of Halloween candy that the neighborhood kids surely don't need that bad...
And after all that, if you still don't want to run or don't feel up to it...then don't. Succomb to the couch's sweet embrace and treat yo'self. It will make you even more motivated to get back out there tomorrow.
What suggestions do you have?
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
eat out in Pullman, WA: Paradise Creek Brewery
Last weekend my entire family (minus my husband, who decided to go to the Husky game over stepping a foot in Cougar territory) ventured the 6 hours to the other side of Washington. While the rumors are true and there really isn't a whole lot to set eyes on, there is the city of Pullman, home of WSU, home of Cougar Gold cheese.
We went to visit my little brother who moved over this summer to attend school. How he grew into an adult and is living by himself is beyond me - I think trickery is involved, but I'll roll with it for now.
I had never been to the campus before, but whoa. It's beautiful. Granted, there is the Fall factor that lends a hand in making things beautiful, but I think WSU's grounds were pretty even before all the red and orange shades came into play.
While my Dad and brother watched the football game, us laaaaaaadies went to see a movie (Gravity, which fulfilled all my expectations and was awesome) and then grabbed some food at Paradise Creek Brewery. Now, I love breweries. Not only do they typically have great beer, the food is always great and the atmosphere is fun. When traveling to a new town, I always looks up their local brewery. And if there isn't one, I do not go to the town. End of story, do not collect $200.
Paradise Creek did not disappoint. The three of us all ordered different things, and they were all delicious. I got the "southern thang" burger and doctored it up with the lentil patty (amazing), sans bacon. It was really the best decision of my life. Here's its selfie (lighting wasn't on my side):
But yeah, that deep-fried pickle sealed the deal. I could eat this every day and be completely content. Even the salad was phenomenal, and it was a side salad. My mom got the grilled cheese and my sister chose the lentil burger with the mac and cheese as a side. There are no words to describe that Cougar Gold cheese they use. Wait, yeah there are - creamydecadentgooeyomg.
Oh, and the beer wasn't too shab either. ;) Oh Behave was my favorite, which unfortunately I could only handle a sip of thanks to the monstrosity that was burger.
I'll be back tomorrow with more running talk!
What is the first thing you look for when you visit a new city?

We went to visit my little brother who moved over this summer to attend school. How he grew into an adult and is living by himself is beyond me - I think trickery is involved, but I'll roll with it for now.
I had never been to the campus before, but whoa. It's beautiful. Granted, there is the Fall factor that lends a hand in making things beautiful, but I think WSU's grounds were pretty even before all the red and orange shades came into play.
While my Dad and brother watched the football game, us laaaaaaadies went to see a movie (Gravity, which fulfilled all my expectations and was awesome) and then grabbed some food at Paradise Creek Brewery. Now, I love breweries. Not only do they typically have great beer, the food is always great and the atmosphere is fun. When traveling to a new town, I always looks up their local brewery. And if there isn't one, I do not go to the town. End of story, do not collect $200.
Paradise Creek did not disappoint. The three of us all ordered different things, and they were all delicious. I got the "southern thang" burger and doctored it up with the lentil patty (amazing), sans bacon. It was really the best decision of my life. Here's its selfie (lighting wasn't on my side):
But yeah, that deep-fried pickle sealed the deal. I could eat this every day and be completely content. Even the salad was phenomenal, and it was a side salad. My mom got the grilled cheese and my sister chose the lentil burger with the mac and cheese as a side. There are no words to describe that Cougar Gold cheese they use. Wait, yeah there are - creamydecadentgooeyomg.
Oh, and the beer wasn't too shab either. ;) Oh Behave was my favorite, which unfortunately I could only handle a sip of thanks to the monstrosity that was burger.
I'll be back tomorrow with more running talk!
What is the first thing you look for when you visit a new city?

Thursday, October 10, 2013
i signed up for a 5k
YUP! And when was the last time I raced a 5k? Ohh, July, in the hot hot heat of Northern Washington. Thankfully, this time around should be a lot cooler, given that it's at the end of this month and will most likely only be about 40 degrees. It's a Halloween Run, and it actually starts at my Elementary School, which is pretty neat.
I signed up for this race 2 weeks ago, and immediately started following this plan by Sir Higdon (who else would I trust?). I almost taked myself out of not following a plan and just running when I want according to how I feel and I realized that's probably not the smartest way to dive into it. My mileage would be all over the place, I most likely wouldn't get many speed workouts in, and I would probably get injured.
The weather has been gloriously sunny this past week, which only adds to my Fall excitement. This is my absolute favorite time of year, and nothing beats running in the chilly air under the orange-hued leaves. The outdoor temperature really seems to balance out my blazing physical temperature and makes me not sweat 10 gallons after 2 miles.
My goal for this 5k is finish in under 20 minutes. In July, I ran it in 19 minutes (I forgot to stop my watch so that's a rough estimate - it was give or take a few seconds) so I feel this is a realistic goal given that I haven't trained as much as I had before Ragnar.
When's your next race? OH! And I need ideas on how to dress up. Obviously it needs to be running-approps, but I want to get in the Halloween spirit a little. I'm terrible at this sort of thing.
I signed up for this race 2 weeks ago, and immediately started following this plan by Sir Higdon (who else would I trust?). I almost taked myself out of not following a plan and just running when I want according to how I feel and I realized that's probably not the smartest way to dive into it. My mileage would be all over the place, I most likely wouldn't get many speed workouts in, and I would probably get injured.
The weather has been gloriously sunny this past week, which only adds to my Fall excitement. This is my absolute favorite time of year, and nothing beats running in the chilly air under the orange-hued leaves. The outdoor temperature really seems to balance out my blazing physical temperature and makes me not sweat 10 gallons after 2 miles.
My goal for this 5k is finish in under 20 minutes. In July, I ran it in 19 minutes (I forgot to stop my watch so that's a rough estimate - it was give or take a few seconds) so I feel this is a realistic goal given that I haven't trained as much as I had before Ragnar.
When's your next race? OH! And I need ideas on how to dress up. Obviously it needs to be running-approps, but I want to get in the Halloween spirit a little. I'm terrible at this sort of thing.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
i completed a 3-day smoothie cleanse
and this is my review of the whoooole ordeal. I realize that smoothie cleanses are the weird step-sister to juice cleanses, but smoothies are way more up my alley. They're more hefty, they don't strain out all the magic-for-you fiber, and you get all sorts of food groups in a day so that I never felt like I wasn't getting any essential nutrients (just essential food. More on that below).
Some facts: I used Dr. Ox's detox plan, because you know, he's the guru. It jived with me because there are actual food products in the dang things, and there were enough calories to keep me going throughout the day. I also completed this with 2 other friends, which was awesome because we got to complain to eachother about how hangry we were. Misery loves company, right?
I went to 2 different grocery stores to get the best deal on this truckload of produce, and my grand total per day was about $18.05. PRICEY. But put a price tag on clean innards and I guess that's what you get?
On day 1 I felt ready to tackle these smooths to the ground. I went grocery shopping the day before and got all my goodies, which invigorated me in it's own way. I love starting something new, and I really love challenging myself. Plus, this new, short-term diet of mine called for a bath - now there's something the Atkins diet was missing. Oh yeah, and carbs.
I can honestly say that every smoothie was good. They all had their own unique flavor, which was nice. I expected the green one to be really awful, but it wasn't thanks to the coconut oil and pineapple. My friend was even ballsy enough to say it tasted like a vegetable pina colada.
However, my ambition was short-lived once bedtime rolled around the first night. I was huuungry. And that's when I really started to hate this thing. Sure, I had a headache for a bit and would give my left eyeball for a cup of joe, but I expected that. I guess I had heard from so many people that juice cleanses don't really make you hungry, and I think that's BS because it just felt like I was letting my stomach talk for 2 days straight.
I went to bed on the second night telling my husband that I had to put everything in perspective and that I'm only experiencing something most of the world experiences on a regular basis. Which not only didn't help the situation at all, but made me feel really terrible for our planet.
Now that I've told you how awful it made me feel, I probably don't have to say that I won't be partaking in such a thing again. I la-la-LOVE smoothies and still have one most days, but 3 days in a row without solid food just doesn't do it for me. I would be curious to try it again with maybe 5 or 6 drinks a day to see if that would be doable, since I know juice cleanses typically offer 6 juices a day.
That all being said, I was surprised with the fact that I still had energy and could keep my job for those 3 days. My brain was a little flighty since it kept reverting back to my stomach (ohh, the hunger!) but work was doable.
So that's that! Have you ever or would you ever complete a juice or smoothie cleanse?
Some facts: I used Dr. Ox's detox plan, because you know, he's the guru. It jived with me because there are actual food products in the dang things, and there were enough calories to keep me going throughout the day. I also completed this with 2 other friends, which was awesome because we got to complain to eachother about how hangry we were. Misery loves company, right?
I went to 2 different grocery stores to get the best deal on this truckload of produce, and my grand total per day was about $18.05. PRICEY. But put a price tag on clean innards and I guess that's what you get?
On day 1 I felt ready to tackle these smooths to the ground. I went grocery shopping the day before and got all my goodies, which invigorated me in it's own way. I love starting something new, and I really love challenging myself. Plus, this new, short-term diet of mine called for a bath - now there's something the Atkins diet was missing. Oh yeah, and carbs.
I can honestly say that every smoothie was good. They all had their own unique flavor, which was nice. I expected the green one to be really awful, but it wasn't thanks to the coconut oil and pineapple. My friend was even ballsy enough to say it tasted like a vegetable pina colada.
However, my ambition was short-lived once bedtime rolled around the first night. I was huuungry. And that's when I really started to hate this thing. Sure, I had a headache for a bit and would give my left eyeball for a cup of joe, but I expected that. I guess I had heard from so many people that juice cleanses don't really make you hungry, and I think that's BS because it just felt like I was letting my stomach talk for 2 days straight.
I went to bed on the second night telling my husband that I had to put everything in perspective and that I'm only experiencing something most of the world experiences on a regular basis. Which not only didn't help the situation at all, but made me feel really terrible for our planet.
Oh, and you know what else makes me hungry? Green tea, which I was supposed to have every morning. It literally makes my stomach feel hollow - anyone else? |
Now that I've told you how awful it made me feel, I probably don't have to say that I won't be partaking in such a thing again. I la-la-LOVE smoothies and still have one most days, but 3 days in a row without solid food just doesn't do it for me. I would be curious to try it again with maybe 5 or 6 drinks a day to see if that would be doable, since I know juice cleanses typically offer 6 juices a day.
That all being said, I was surprised with the fact that I still had energy and could keep my job for those 3 days. My brain was a little flighty since it kept reverting back to my stomach (ohh, the hunger!) but work was doable.
So that's that! Have you ever or would you ever complete a juice or smoothie cleanse?
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